Recommended Bitcoin Wallets

There are dozens of wallets to choose from when it comes to securing your private keys. Hardware, software, metal, paper, each with their own trade-offs. Remember: if you aren't holding your own private keys, you don't actually own bitcoin - you just own an IOU for BTC!

Wallet Basics:

  • Do not use wallets that don't give you recovery data; these wallets are likely controlling your keys.
  • Do not use paper wallets unless you're an advanced user who understands all the risks.
  • Do not store large amounts of value in single signature wallets.
  • Make sure your heirs know how to recover your wallets without you!

Note that it is NOT recommended that novices use the Bitcoin Core wallet. If you want to use a wallet backed by a fully validating node you run, read Securing Your Financial Sovereignty.

Wallet Comparisons:

Wallet Recovery:

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